Potential policies/strategies/items for CEAC review


Details and CEAC Date

Contact details

District carbon emissions baseline and scope – presentation from commissioned consultants

This is going to task and finish group. Feedback to be brought to the next available CEAC, post task and finish.

Contact: Insight and Policy

A review of electric vehicle charging points'


March 2020 (due April Cabinet)

Contact: Adrian Lear/John Backley

Oxfordshire Pension Fund Consultation


Awaiting details from the Pension Fund on when consultation is launching and deadline for responses


UK Citizens Assembly Report


Anticipated release date for the report from the Government is May 2020


Non fixed date items

Consider promotion within the Council of adopting local green spaces designation within the planning system.


Consider district-wide partnering with field and trust to protect parks and gardens.

Farmer groups to be considered as a partner


NEW how to make the best use of technology to replace paper, in order to have paperless meetings – pros and cons, what can we do next?



NEW collate a list of requirements of an Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy

Recommendations to go to Cabinet and Council.


Reintroduction of a local nature partnership for Oxfordshire.



NEW collate a list of requirements of the Oxfordshire Plan 2050.

Recommendations to go to Cabinet and Council.


Tree mapping – specialist planning officer presentation



CEAC to advise the Planning design guide – DES 11

Task and finish group with specialist planning team


Community Engagement and Outreach – Plan


Contact: Insight and Policy/Consultation and Engagement/Comms

Collaboration with farmers and local landowners



Grounds maintenance



Cycling and walking – active transport



Overview of Growth Board and Oxford-Cambridge arc intentions



Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Spending – Biodiversity and Green Infrastructure Provision


Purpose: options for the spending of the South CIL allocation for green infrastructure


Contact: Mark Hewer/Dominic Lamb

Air Quality Update Report



Contact: Simon Hill

Oxford City Citizens’ Assembly Findings Report 



Contact: Insight and Policy

Didcot Garden Town – Sustainability Projects



Contact: Didcot Garden Town Team